Saturday, October 30, 2010

October Wrap-up

A couple of weeks in now since I decided to return to the degenerate world of micro stake 6max. Things have been going very well results wise, running at 22.8 bb/100 over 4500 hands and managing to put a bit of time into watching videos etc. Play wise I'm still just passive as and would get punished by more aggressive games. Had a good battle with this guy in the follwing few hands. I'm pretty sure 25nl has got weaker since I last played it.

Id seen him do some weird shit like calling down extremely light and turning show down hands into bluffs. Still didn't expect to get called down with A high.

These 3 hands are litterally back to back over 2 tables and I'm just trying to get it in with any pair. I think I could have folded the flop but I went for the jam option as those donkeys wern't folding any runner runner gut shot.

I played this terribly. No excuse for not raising that flop against players like this. Are you calling on the end here?

Time to get serious and put in a bit more volume and more hours of learning. Feeling pretty excited about getting back into it.


  1. last hand: u didnt post stats for andrea so ill assume a tag. with the fish behind u it sux to check flop A)reg prob wont cbet w fish on this board and 3way unless he hits, B)if reg cbets u have to call to keep fish in which also sux on this board.

    therfore i lead flop for $3 with these positions.

    if u and fish switch spots id check to raiser and hope it goes cbet, fish call, i raise flop.

    as played id call cause he could easy have a 2pair or AK/ but its not a fun call...

    PS: i played over 4500 hands on saturday morning. admittedly it was rush but get som volume in!

  2. wait i see andrea is a fish too. lead flop for pot :) guaranteed action on this board

  3. ah back to the grind, even Ive been grinding online again.

    I wouldve raised more on the river in the first hand. But hey, it turned out well. I had a similar hand. A guy check raised then called my shove (on river) with A4 on 24xxx (4th pair). was bizarre. I had nuts. GG.

    2nd hand seems standard. Although ive learnt people with stats like that call $3.50/4 preflop as well. Make a few extra dollars everytime.

    I have no idea about 3rd hand. I dont hit sets. Chris is telling you 2 donk bet. That must be the first time ive heard him say that.

    keep blogging. that is all.
