Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ups and Downs

Been putting in some pretty good volume @ 50nl 6max over the Xmas break with mostly positive results. Since The start of November I have been running at 4.5bb/100 over 15k hands which is ok but it has been so swingy. Pretty much all my sessions finish +/- $200 so its hard to get a feel as to whether I am winning or just running good. Today was terrible, got bullied around by a guy with 14% 3bet and he just folded everytime I had a hand. I need to learn how to combat aggression if I want to move up past 50.

So I was pretty tilty and due to a few hands like this:

I didn't want to play for 160BB stacks against the SB and didn't think I was ever good against a bet and call on flop and turn. The results tilted me.

The next hand added to my tilt issues. I should have 4bet or folded in hind sight as I am only ever playing fit or fold post flop.

I couldn't see him firing 3 here without AA, KK or AK. I don't fare well against that range. I had folded in my mind on the turn. I should have hit the right button.

I quickly stacked myself with KK v AA on a dry flop where the guy flatted my 4bet in the SB. Gay. Then Gayer:

9 times out of 10 I can fold this without a second thought but I searched throuh his stats and found a river agg of 4 and went for the hero call. Quickly shut down my session and had a cry.

Just so you don't think I'm a donk who loses all the time, here is how you get value with quads:

1 comment:

  1. wow that first hand was gay id play it the same as u did...

    second hand i might fold pre unless he has some crazy 3bet stats. 3betting utg raiser is strong. otherwise u played it good. i doubt he shoves AA on river after KK, QQ get there so it was a pretty weird hand from him.

    yea should have folded the third hand as u said. painful when they play it like that!

    post things like the position report from holdem manager could find some leaks.
